Amsterdam Financial Forum 2009
Posted on 7th juni 2010 in Case Studies NL
Naar aanleiding van de recente wereldwijde financiële crisis is de Amsterdam Financial Forum ontworpen om onderwerpen die van essentieel belang zijn voor de stabiliteit op lange termijn, de effectiviteit en efficiëntie van de financiële sector en om Amsterdam als financieel centrum op de kaart te zetten. De titel van het eerste forum, die plaats vond in november 2009, was Reshaping our view of Finance.
Continue reading »BBC Awards PR campaign generates 160+ news items
Posted on 27th april 2010 in Nieuws
Media Wise has just wrapped up another successful PR campaign. The BBC Young Writers and Public Speaking Awards 2010, which took place in April this year, received overwhelming media attention, achieving over 160 hits in the media. And it wasn’t just traditional media that picked up on the news: the students competing for the accolade […]
Continue reading »Astra Zeneca Netherlands CEO argues in favour of GP visits
Posted on 25th maart 2010 in Nieuws
At a national healthcare debate organised by the Netherlands pharmaceutical industry association Nefarma, Astra Zeneca Netherlands CEO Hans Sijbesma defended doctor visits by pharmaceutical reps. These visits ensure that doctors receive clear, complete and accurate information about existing products and are kept to date about innovations, he said. View a video report on the debate […]
Continue reading »BBC Awards speaker interviewed on Rijnmond TV
Posted on 15th maart 2010 in Nieuws
Semi finalist Emilie Westerouen van Meeteren from Erasmiaans Gymnasium in Rotterdam was interviewed by Rijnmond TV. Watch the (Dutch) interview on Emilie op RTV Rijnmond.
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